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Democratic Debate Sets the Stage for Primary
The stage for the Democratic debate is less crowded. On stage for the last debate before the Iowa caucuses: former Vice President Joe Biden, Senators Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar, Mayor Pete Buttigieg and businessman Tom Steyer. While there’s still a dozen candidates in the Democratic presidential race only half of them qualified for the debate stage under the Democratic National Committee rules. Elle Kurpiewski, the political director for the Democratic Headquarters of the Desert says all of them agreed to the rules but it’s hard to ignore the lack of diversity.
“Maybe that’s something for an examination after we get through this process what is it that they need to do or we do we need to do to connect better with people,” says Kurpiewski.
On the plus side she says fewer people on stage will allow for a more robust debate, “We all know that they’re Democrats, and we all know that they are pro choice, we all know that but there’s some real attacks that are happening to women under this administration and I would like to see some questions directed to that, secondarily of course is what happened in Iran.
She says it’s more important than ever for voters to watch debates and get informed because the primary will be here before we know it. In fact California’s primary was moved up to March 3, 2020. For the first time the state will participating in Super Tuesday with the most delegates up for grabs.
“We got a say and we’ve got a lot of delegates, this is we’re the big gun, we are the big gun on Super Tuesday,” she says.
And the candidates know this.
“It’s a very big deal because if they come out on top with the most delegates coming out of Super Tuesday you can pretty well bet that’s going to be your nominee for president,” says Kurpieswski.
She says to participate in the primary you must be a registered Democrat, if you don’t have a party preference or NPP, request a Democratic ballot at the poll and if you vote by mail you must ask for a Democratic ballot in advance or switch parties.
“We have a voice, use it,” she says.
Vote by mail ballots will be mailed out starting February 3, 2020. (don’t forget to sign your ballot or it won’t be counted)
To find out if you’re registered and your party affiliation click here: AM I REGISTERED?
To register to vote click here: REGISTER TO VOTE
For Primary voting information click here: PRIMARY INFO
By: NBC Palm Springs
January 14, 2020