Local & Community

Cathedral City Police Department Serves Breakfast to Seniors at Cathedral Palms

Seniors at the Cathedral Palms Community received a Christmas Eve breakfast served by Cathedral City Police Officers. The event is called, "Santa for Seniors" and this year marked its first return, but of course was a bit different due to coronavirus. "This idea for this annual event came last year as many of our officers had visited this complex on calls for service and observed how little the residents had," said Cathedral City Police Officer Jessicca Lamb, "These elderly residents often don’t have the means to buy the most basic items such as shampoo, soap and dishwashing detergent. Additionally, most of the residents live alone with little or no family to speak of – which makes for a very lonely life, especially during the holidays." Last year officers and volunteers served a buffet style breakfast for the residents at Cathedral Palms in their common areas around the pool. This year they delivered individually wrapped and packaged breakfast items and gift bags door to door – masked and gloved. Breakfast was prepared by Outdoor Resorts Palm Springs.

By: NBC Palm Springs

December 24, 2020

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