Local & Community
Eighteen Coachella Valley Families Placed in New Homes Thanks to the County, Many More Still to Come
Eighteen Coachella Valley families were placed in new homes Friday at the Mountain View Estates thanks to the County.
Over 100 brand new homes are set to be built this year in the final phase of construction at the housing community.
The builder of Mountain View Estates, Desert Empire Homes, is working to get these mobile homes installed with 40 homes installed and an additional 67 to come by the middle part of the year.
“This batch of 40 homes was started in August and now in January we have families moving in and we just love this project,” said Desert Empire Homes Project Manager Matthew Melkesian.
Riverside County received $2 million in state and federal support to fully build out the Mountain View Estates mobile home park, which has clean water, sewer and electric infrastructure and paved roads, as well as amenities that include a community center, playground, community services, and bus routes.
“This is a major victory and it is life changing for farmworker and service worker families to be able to move from unsafe conditions into a beautiful mobile home and have decent housing and a better quality of life,” said Supervisor V. Manuel Perez. “Dilapidated and substandard housing conditions have been an issue for many years in the eastern Coachella Valley. Today is a bright spot in our county’s efforts and partnerships towards developing quality, affordable and safe housing.”
NBC Palm Springs was there as the Ibarra family got to see their new home for the first time.
“I feel like crying with all of this joy we have. Now my kids are going to have a place to play and they will be able to eat at their own house and sleep at peace,” said mother of the family Liliana Ibarra when talking about her new home.
The Ibarra family has lived in a hotel for the past six months after living in a different mobile home community with unsanitary living conditions.
Originally the funding the County received was going to go towards the Ivy Palm project in Palm Springs which was going to be converted into homeless housing before the sale was denied by bankruptcy court, so instead it was reallocated to complete the phase 3 expansion for the Mountain View Estates.
The Phase 3 expansion will fully build out Mountain View Estates, with 107 mobile homes out of 398 total for farmworker families at a lower rent price.
Mountain View Estates is located in the eastern Coachella Valley agricultural community of Oasis, at 68-990 Harrison St.
Applications for the new mobile homes are currently being accepted by county housing staff and can be found at: https://www.harivco.org/Resources/MtViewEstatesProjectHomekeyApplications/tabid/242/Default.aspx
Information in this article is directly from the office of Supervisor Perez
By: NBC Palm Springs
January 11, 2021