
Trilateral Agreement Made to Close the Oasis Mobile Home Park

The County of Riverside, the U.S. Federal Government, and the Torres-Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians have reached an agreement regarding the future of the Oasis Mobile Home Park.

The U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Torres-Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians have agreed in principle to move forward on an MOU that would seek closure of Oasis Mobile Home Park and give Riverside County tools for enforcement, according to Riverside County Supervisor V. Manuel Perez.

"The Parties collectively have agreed that the goal for the Oasis Mobile Home Park is closure due to unresolvable health and safety issues that continue to cause exceptional hardship to residents. We understand that there are humanitarian issues involved with these actions. We are currently working on the development of MOUs between the parties to authorize cooperative actions and intergovernmental measures to reduce the tenants in the park. We understand that this effort is long term and may take as long as five years to achieve the goal. We will continue to work with residents on relocation as quickly as possible. This effort will take community support and we appreciate any assistance that can be provided."

Recently, county, federal and state agencies and the Tribe formed working groups to focus on the partnerships needed to face the issues at Oasis Mobile Home Park. This agreement was reached
following discussions among the agencies, and was announced today at a meeting on Oasis Mobile Home Park with government entities and community members.

By: Ceci Partridge

August 24, 2022

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