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Southern California Overdue for Earthquake, Experts Urge Preparedness

A magnitude 6.4 earthquake rocked parts of Northern California early Tuesday morning, leaving at least two people dead and thousands in the dark. Now experts say it’s only a matter of time before an earthquake hits Southern California. "We’re well overdue by a couple hundred years so we need to be prepared," said Carla Sullivan Dilley, President of Coachella Valley Disaster Preparedness Network. "You never know when the biggest one is going to hit." Now is the time to be prepared for an earthquake that could strike at any moment. "When, not if, but when the big one hits, we need to be self-sufficient for a minimum of 3 to 7 to 10 days," said Sullivan Dilley. Organize emergency supplies, including food, water, and medications, inside a convenient location inside your home and your car. "Do you always have more than half a tank of gas in your car? Do you always have some sort of food or protein that you just keep in your car in case of emergency?," said Sullivan Dilley. In the event of an emergency earthquake, knowing the right immediate action to take can prevent injury and save lives. The most important thing to do is to drop, take cover, and hold on. These three actions will stop you from being knocked over, make you a smaller target for falling and flying objects, and protect your head, neck, and vital organs. "You get as low to the ground," said Sullivan Dilley. "As soon as you can get to the ground, the safer you’re going to be from hurting yourself." During an earthquake, resources, including emergency personnel, can be spread thin, but with prior emergency planning, you can be your own first responder and a resource to your family and community. For more information on disaster preparedness, visit https://www.cvdpn.org/.

By: NBC Palm Springs

December 20, 2022

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