Entertainment Report

Best of the Fest: “Esther Newton Made Me Gay”

It was such an honor to meet, albeit virtually, the great Esther Newton – cultural anthropologist who did pioneering work on LGBTQ communities way before it was cool to do so.  She’s the subject of the new documentary from Jean Carlomusto (“Larry Kramer in Love and Anger”).  The film offers a great cultural and historical perspective on LGBTQ.

I spent some time with Newton before her sold-out screening for the Palm Springs International Film Festival.  And it was such a delight to talk to her about subjects ranging from her passion for dogs to her fight for LGBTQ rights.

“Esther Newton Made Me Gay” is making the festival rounds and may be streaming soon.  Watch this space for more information.

Watch my interview with Esther Newton below.  For our complete look at “Esther Newton Made Me Gay,” click here.

By: mthemovieguy

January 17, 2023

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