
California Mortgage Relief Program Expands, Even More Homeowners Eligible

The California Mortgage Relief Program is expanding to provide additional assistance and expand eligibility to help even more homeowners who have struggled with housing payments due to the impacts of the COVID- 19 pandemic, according to the press release. 


Allegedly, previously awarded homeowners who are still eligible and need more assistance can return for additional funds with a maximum of $80,000 in total assistance. Assistance is now available for homeowners with partial claim second mortgages or loan deferrals taken during or after January 2020. The delinquency date for assistance with past-due mortgage and property tax payments was reset- applicants must have missed at least two mortgage payments OR at least one property tax payment prior to March 1st, 2023.


“Since its inception, the California Mortgage Relief Program has been dedicated to helping California’s most vulnerable homeowners overcome financial challenges brought on by COVID- 19,” said Tiena Johnson Hall, Executive Director of the California Housing Finance Agency (CalHFA), which is administering the program through the CalHFA Homeowner Relief Corporation (CalHRC). “This program has already eased a heavy burden for thousands of families who were worried about losing their homes, and this expansion will allow even more homeowners to protect their single greatest financial asset.” 


Homeowners with questions can call the Contact Center at 1-888-840-2584 between 8am and 6 pm Monday through Friday. They may also visit to learn more about resources and assistance available to them. 

By: Pristine Villarreal

February 7, 2023

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