
City Of Palm Springs Proclaims April 26 International Guide Dog Day

Guide Dogs of the Desert was recently recognized by the Mayor of Palm Springs, Grace Garner today.

At the ceremony, Mayor Garner presented a Proclamation to Guide Dogs of the Desert, declaring April 26th as International Guide Dog Day.

Richard Clapp, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Guide Dogs of the Desert, was on hand to accept the Proclamation from the Mayor. Also in attendance were donors, board members, staff, and alumni of the organization.

Of course, the true stars of the ceremony were two poodle puppies who are just beginning their guide dog training, as well as Ira, a guide dog who graduated in February and is now actively working as a guide dog.

One of the highlights of the celebration was the announcement of a challenge fundraising campaign in support of the Puppy Den at Guide Dogs of the Desert. The H.N. and Frances C. Berger Foundation will match every donation dollar for dollar, up to $30,000, until May 31, 2023.

Guide Dogs of the Desert has been providing guide dogs to visually impaired individuals for over 40 years. They have trained and placed more than 1,500 guide dogs, free of charge, with individuals from all over the United States. The organization relies solely on donations to fund their program.

Currently, there are 20,291 guide dogs working worldwide, helping individuals who are visually impaired or blind to live more independent lives.

In the United States, approximately 12 million people over the age of 40 have vision impairment. International Guide Dog Day has been celebrated globally since 1992 and is observed on the last Wednesday in April.

Those interested in making a donation to Guide Dogs of the Desert can click here.

By: Ceci Partridge

April 26, 2023

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