Local & Community

College of the Desert Students Construct Tiny Homes

College of the Desert and the Desert Sands Unified School District have collaborated to showcase student projects from April 25th to 27th.

The exhibit will feature the tiny homes, designed and built by students studying sustainable building, along with other student creations.

The campus exhibition of the 225-square-foot tiny home is an opportunity for students and community members who missed its debut at Modernism Week in February to view it.

The winning design was constructed with the aid of a $125,000 Strong Workforce Grant from the state and textbooks provided by the Southwest Carpenters Union. Construction began in 2020 and took 18 months to complete. The home features a bathroom, kitchen, sleeping loft, ductless air conditioner, an electronic awning outside, and solar power with backup batteries.

The students who participated gained experience and academic credits in framing, wiring, and plumbing.

A second home, funded by a Strong Workforce grant, is expected to be completed in May, and a third will begin construction in the fall.

On Tuesday, April 25th, the architecture and design student exhibit will be joined by Roadrunner Makers. They will offer equipment such as 3D printers, laser engravers, a T-shirt heat press, and Cricut for student and faculty use.

The exhibit will take place at the amphitheater on the College of the Desert Palm Desert Campus, located at 43-500 Monterey Ave., and is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on each of the three days.

If you want more information, visit the College of the Desert’s official website at collegeofthedesert.edu.

By: Ceci Partridge

April 26, 2023

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