Menifee Police to Conduct Two-Week Crackdown on Scofflaws
MENIFEE (CNS) – Menifee police officers will initiate a citywide crackdown on scofflaws who don’t buckle up, as well as commit other traffic violations, beginning Monday and continuing through Memorial Day weekend.
The department is taking part in the nationwide “Click It, or Ticket” campaign, from May 22 to June 4.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration sponsors the campaign on a year-round basis.
“Wearing a seat belt should be an automatic for all drivers and passengers,” Menifee police Chief Pat Walsh said. “It’s the safe thing to do, especially when it comes to securing children in child safety seats.”
Officers will be conducting targeted patrols during the crackdown, ticketing motorists for non-compliance with mandatory safety belt regulations and other infractions, Walsh said.
In 2021 — the latest year for which figures were available — vehicle crashes claimed the lives of nearly 12,000 people who were not wearing seat belts, according to the NHTSA.
Copyright 2023, City News Service, Inc.
By: Pristine Villarreal
May 18, 2023