Entertainment Report

Palm Desert Area Chamber of Commerce To Host Putt Putt on El Paseo

Join the Palm Desert Chamber of Commerce as they host the ever popular summer event, Putt Putt on El Paseo! 

It starts at the pre-party hosted by the Gardens of El Paseo on the bridge, and then you alongside a team take off to putt your way along the famed shopping avenue of El Paseo. 

Enjoy fun hosted golf holes in a variety of businesses along the way, complete with sips and savors. The rounds end at the 19th hole after-party hosted by Casuelas Cafe! 

Registration starts at 50$ an individual and $175 for a team of four. If you have no team, there’s no problem, as help to assign teams will be given.

For more information contact The Palm Desert Area Chamber of Commerce at 760-346-6111 or alisa@pdacc.org

By: Pristine Villarreal

June 14, 2023

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