Indio Police Department Welcomes Six New Officers
Half a dozen new police officers in the City of Indio were sworn in this morning in front of family and friends. Bringing reinforcements to one of the largest police departments in the Coachella Valley.
Chief Mike Washburn in Indio says the increase is a positive sign, as police departments across the country have seen members leave the force for several reasons.
This was an unusual event, because it’s rare for the city to swear in so many officers at once.
Today’s swearing-in ceremony is just the beginning for these new officers.
“We’ve done a lot of focusing on hiring and recruiting for the last several years. There was a mass exodus, actually worldwide from law enforcement in 2020, with the George Floyd stuff as well as the pandemic.” says Chief Mike Washburn, the Chief of Police for the Indio Police Department.
Incidents like the George Floyd murder in Minnesota, have made it a challenge for local departments to bring in new officers.
Chief Washburn says the department is doing its best to move forward.
“They all get to go to field training first, so then in a few months, when they’re done with that, then they will be assigned to a patrol shift, and we continue to do that.” Chief Washburn says.
More officers are on their way and eventually will head to the police academy, bringing the total number of Indio Police Officers to 90.
“City of Indio is a very exceptional city, that it deserves an exceptional police department, and that’s what we’re here to provide.”
Again, new officers adding to public safety.
“It’s always fun to welcome folks to the academy. We all no matter how long we’ve been there, remember that first day when we’re getting sworn in, we get to start on our new department after a long time, which seemed like an eternity in the police academy.” says Chief Washburn.
Training for the police academy can vary, but can last up to six months.
By: Tiani Jadulang
June 16, 2023