Clear The Shelters Event Hosted By Palm Springs Animal Shelter Throughout August
Animal shelters across the country are in crisis as millions of pets are entering shelters but a growing number are not being adopted. To help end pet homelessness, Clear The Shelters is a month-long campaign to inspire pet adoption nationwide.
The Clear The Shelters campaign comes at a critical time as pet adoptions are slowing and shelters are facing extreme challenges with overcrowding and stretched resources.
To help pets find homes more quickly, volunteers are needed to help their local shelters with intake photographs of pets, as well as other activities ranging from exercising and socializing pets to administrative tasks to at-home fostering.
NBC Palm Springs is partnered with Palm Springs Animal Shelter to help spread coverage of this event.
For more information on this event go to the website
By: Pristine Villarreal
August 11, 2023