Entertainment Report

“I Am: Celine Dion” Director Talks About Revealing, Inspiring Prime Documentary

I watched this documentary with open eyes and heart and unsurprisingly, I cried buckets.  Especially the part when Celine Dion said she missed the people, the music.  Grab the Kleenex!

Truth be told, I’ve never been a big fan of the icon but I’ve always admired and respected her charm and her vocal prowess.  And I would lie if I don’t say I hum to all of her songs, especially “My Heart Will Go On.”  The Off-Broadway show “Titanique” works because of Celine’s spirit melded into the musical.

But with the new Amazon Prime documentary “I Am: Celine Dion,” witness Celine the person who struggles to win her fight over her Stiff Person Syndrome diagnosis.  See Celine the mom, Celine the wife, Celine the diva, and Celine the singer who simply loves music.  There’s a scene where her music uplifts her from the pain caused by her SPS (Stiff Person Syndrome).

“I Am: Celine Dion” is now available to stream on Amazon Prime Video.

I spent some time with director Irene Taylor Brodsky who admitted that she wasn’t a fan going in but became one after filming the documentary.  What else did she discover about the singer?  Take a look at our interview below and click here for our uncut look at “I Am: Celine Dion.”


By: mthemovieguy

June 25, 2024

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