Hashtag Trivia

Your Hashtag Holiday Calendar & Pop Quiz!

Your #HashtagHolioday Calendar for August 19, 2024! ➼ #CocoChanelDay: You go, Coco! ➼ #NationalPotatoDay: This spuds for you! ➼ #NationalSoftServeIceCreamDay: But, scream softly! ➼ #NationalHotAndSpicyFoodDay: It's the time of the season... ing! #HashtagHoliday Calendar & Pop Quiz each weekday morning at 6:25 with @JerrySteffen on @NBCPalmSprings

By: NBC Palm Springs

August 19, 2024

Hashtag HolidayHashtag Holiday CalendarHashtag Holiday Pop QuizPop QuizTriviaJerry Steffen
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