Entertainment Report

Netflix Unveils Animated Series "Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft

Netflix has officially revealed its upcoming animated series, "Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft," marking the glorious return of the iconic video game character. Voiced by Haley Atwell, the series promises to bring a fresh, animated twist to Lara Croft's legendary adventures. Fans can catch the premiere on October 10th, eagerly anticipating the action-packed episodes that stay true to the spirit of the beloved franchise. In other entertainment news, the psychological drama "Veronica," starring Alexandra Rapoport and Tobias Santelmann, is now streaming, offering a gripping Nordic Noir experience. Additionally, singer-songwriter Kishi Bashi has released a new music video for his song "Lilius Chop," produced by the renowned Japanese anime studio Tona Animation, known for its work on "Spy Family," "One Piece," and "My Hero Academia." Kishi Bashi's North American tour kicks off in Atlanta on September 3rd, promising an exciting lineup of performances.

By: NBC Palm Springs

August 25, 2024

NetflixLara CroftTomb Raideranimated seriesHaley AtwellpremiereOctober 10th
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