Manny the Movie Guy
Inside the Charming, Delightful World of “My Penguin Friend”
In "My Penguin Friend," David Schurmann ("Little Secret") created a film that celebrates hope and redemption. Inspired by the true story of a Brazilian fisherman and Dindim the Penguin, Jean Reno stars as João Perei de Souza who discovers an injured penguin drifting alone in the ocean. After freeing and rehabilitating the animal, the two forge an incredible bond that speaks volumes on friendship. I enjoyed "My Penguin Friend" and I’m recommending it strongly. It’s a family film that is at once sweet and poignant. We all need a Dindim in our lives. I sat down with both Shurmann and Reno to talk about the making of the film, working with penguins, and what they hoped viewers get after watching the film. "My Penguin Friend" is now out in select theaters. Check out our interview below. For more "My Penguin Friend," click here.
By: NBC Palm Springs
September 4, 2024