An NBC Palm Springs Weather Head-Up for Thursday, September 26, 2024!
Because temperatures in the Coachella Valley will be running about 10° above normal the next few days, the National Weather Service has posted an Excessive Heat Warning for our area through Saturday evening. Palm Springs will hit 110° today, 112° on Friday. Today and tomorrow, the Valley can expect cloud-free skies with dry, middle-of-the-day relative humidity under 10%. As of today, it looks like we'll have to wait until the second week in October for those not-as-hot double-digit highs. @JerrySteffen @NBCPalmSprings
By: NBC Palm Springs
September 26, 2024
WeatherCoachella ValleyJerry SteffenBanningBeaumontCabazonCathedral CityCoachellaDesert Hot SpringsIdyllwildIndian WellsIndioLa QuintaMeccaPalm DesertPalm SpringsRancho MirageThousand PalmsTwentynine PalmsYucca Valley
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