
An NBC Palm Springs Weather Heads-Up for Tuesday, October 8. 2024!

Because high temperatures will once again be running about 15-degrees above normal, the National Weather Service has extended that Excessive Heat Warning through Tuesday evening at 8p. You can expect sunny skies, dry air and high temperatures close to 110° this afternoon. As this upper-level ridge breaks-down, Valley highs will begin to back-off... but very slowly. Roughly, you can subtract 2-degrees each day this week. The Valley will see highs around 100° on Sunday, middle-to-upper 90s by Monday. @JerrySteffen @NBCPalmSprings

By: NBC Palm Springs

October 8, 2024

WeatherCoachella ValleyJerry SteffenBanningBeaumontCabazonCathedral CityCoachellaDesert Hot SpringsIdyllwildIndian WellsIndioLa QuintaMeccaPalm DesertPalm SpringsRancho MirageThousand PalmsTwentynine PalmsYucca Valley
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