PS Unwrapped Exclusive Segments
Talking With Celebrity Chef Susan Feniger (Extended Interview)
Celebrity Chef Susan Feniger puts us to work in the kitchen at her and Mary Sue Milliken’s Palm Springs Restaurant: Alice B. Chloe does her best to help prepare one of the dishes from the bar menu but needs some pointers from Susan. Over the meal we talk with Susan about her life, love of food, and community being brought together at Alice B.
By: NBC Palm Springs
October 12, 2024
Palm springsCoachella valleyIndioRancho MirageSouthern CaliforniaTravelPalm Springs TravelLa QuintaPalm DesertThings To Do Palm SpringsFood Palm SpringsPalm Springs ShowCoachellaChloe CarlsonUnwrappedPalm Springs UnwrappedPS UnwrappedAlice BSusan FenigerMary Sue MilikenSusan Feniger Alice BFood Palm SpringsGay Food Palm SpringsLiving OutLiving Out Palm Springs

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